Thursday 31 March 2022

Transgender Day of Visibility


31.03.22 marks the international Transgender Day of Visibility (TDOV)where trans people all over the world are able to celebrate their contributions to society.


First held in 2009 as a counterpart to the Transgender day of remembrance, where the discrimination abuse and murders of transgender individuals is spotlighted, the TDOV is seen as a positive event to showcase prominent Transgender  role models  in all walks of life. 


As you may know, I have identified as Transgender for many years and strive to show the TG community in a positive light. 

The individuals I look at being my role models are people who many may have never heard of, but have had an impact in the normalisation of transgender in the community.  Here are a selection of some of the British TG individuals that I look up to : - 


Going back to the 1700’s was the Scots James Barrie who worked as a military surgeon and became the inspector general of hospitals. It was later found after their death that James was a female and thus probably the first qualified female Dr in the UK  - 

Following on from this in the 1940’s was Michael Dillon, who was a Navel surgeon and underwent the first female to male surgery. In later life he became the first European to be ordained as a Tibetan Buddhist monk,  -


Roberta Cowell was a former WW2 RAF spitfire pilot and a prisoner of war, who transitioned from male to female in the early 1950’s. She was also famous for being GP racing driver which she continued after her transition. -


April Ashley MBE, transitioned in the   1960’s and became famous due to her marriage and devoice to a peer, which resulted in long term barriers being imposed on all members of the TG community until recently  - 

Suzy Eddy Izzard, a comedian and actor who has always been a visible member of the TG community, standing out in her clothing style and presenting in both male and female garb. -


Christine Burns MBE, and Stephen Whittle OBE, activists who advisees the government on transgender issues, instrumental in the Gender Recognition act amongst other things.


Catharine  Burton – transitioned from male to female while serving as Senior BA pilot and now an activist involved with advising media on transgender issues.


Bobbi Pickard was the first openly TG in BP and has been awarded in numerous areas for her work in diversity awareness and support

Ayla Holdem - transition while serving as a helicopter pilot in the RAF, now works as a police helicopter pilot

Outside of the UK there are many prominent transgender individuals who are leading the way forward in all walks of life.


In recent estimations it was found that over 1% of the UK population identify as Transgender,  So you may have not knowing met someone who is transgender, but that doesn’t mean you have not come into contact with a trans person. 

We are here in all walks of live and are proud to be ourselves. 


  1. Finally introduced Susie to the Pride Network at work today.

  2. Congrats SusieJay! well done and what a day to do it on... !
    Hope it was all well received and you are now on your way in the wide world.
    The post here was on the company chat site and was commented on by one of the directors .. so positive things are happening.
    Diversity is getting there slowly and surely
    Dawn x


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