Saturday, 30 December 2017

Passing Time

Well that was 2017 … During which I reached the magic age of 60 and still feel I’m in my teens or early 20’s.  
The Trans community has moved on and become more visible, a feeling of more understanding, tolerance and possibly acceptance seems to be in the air.

Flying the Flag for TG

Many people have now met a Transgender person in their daily lives and the world hasn’t stopped revolving.
Over in the US they have had the usual political roller coaster of laws being passed and revoked, of statements and counter statements with transgender people being the aunt sally in the middle. Bathrooms and military service being bound together in broadcasts from the law makers and military chiefs who attempt to deem what is and what is not acceptable in the face of perceived threat from the Transgender population.
Meantime, the regular abuse and murder of the transgender population seems to continue with the international role of the lost becoming longer annually.

My year has been one of fun and enjoyment, with some great times out and about, some lovely trips away and some great times with friends.
We have been to several burlesque events in the southwest, danced our heels off to some fabulous bands and singers, seen some great films and met some lovely people.
I’ve enlarged my shoe collection with more Irregular Choice heels and had to say good-by to a pair of my favorite ones that sadly died in service when we were in London.

My Departed Flick-Flack's

Work has been steady with my offshore rotation flights generally being on time until the last trip of the year!! My part time consultancy work has found me with some lovely new friends in Abingdon and Didcot, where I learned all about the super scientific work going on in the field of neutron energy whilst assessing the various individuals working there with the various dangerous substances – who says nursing can’t be interesting !! 

Nursing can be all the Fun of the Fair! 

So what of 2018 ….. what will the year bring?
Obviously work will be taking up a lot of time both offshore and onshore.
We’ve got some trips overseas again as usual – Iceland for a couple of weeks, a trip to Germany again to have some more work on the Landover and possibly a trip to somewhere warm in the Landover later in the year.
I’ve seen my rota for the year and it looks promising for attending Sparkle but not too good for Goodwood. There are a few burlesques to attend in the SW, and in London there is a burlesque festive that runs most of the year that looks fun.
I’m sure we will add a few more fun things to do to fill up the calendar by the time the year gets underway.

Green and Smiling

What ever you are doing and have planed, I hope that you have a happy, healthy and beneficial 2018. 


Sunday, 17 December 2017

Fashionable Sole Trader

Like many, I have developed an individual dress sense and enjoy to dress in my own style.

I am now 60 years of age (it’s a shock that I’ve made it this far !!) and have not only matured in my age, but also in my style.
Lindy Bop with Faith Shoes
Style is not static, it’s a dynamic process that grows as you absorbed ideas and fashion trends. What looked good on you when you were in your 20’s may not look good on you in your 50’s, so one has to adapt.

There are exceptions, such as fetish fashions and cos-play, but the general rule of thumb is to pass you need to dress your age in a style that suits you.

The areas that I receive my influence from are not from the fashion magazines or the television, but from the real world, sitting in a tea shop watching the world go by; observing women of my age and build; noticing what they are wearing and how; what accessories, shoes, scarfs, coats & colours; and then analyzing why it looks good.
Goodwood Revival Vintage Style 

I have a passion for 1950’s fashion and find that the elegance and grace of the era carries on into modern times as a timeless style that fit into just about any occasion. Styles from Lindy-Bop are among my favorite.
 ‘Hobble dresses and ‘A’ line flared dresses have never really gone out of style and mid calf fitted dresses portray a semi-formal appearance that is chic and classy, whilst maintaining practicality and elegance.

Ok. They are a bit formal to wear shopping for food, but fine for other social situations.
Irregular Choice with a Taylor Made Dress - (a gift from my sister)

I also understand, from my observations whilst sitting in the high street watching the population wander by, the majority of women don’t wear skirts or dresses nowadays. Jeans, leggings and comfortable trousers are the norm for most. So I follow the trend and match the styles and have jeans leggings and trousers too, and to go with these the shoes are generally less dressy and more comfortable. Low heels and boots are most popular in the autumn, winter and spring, with open sandals reserved for the ‘warmer, drier’ days of the short British summer.

Summer Day Wear 

However for the night time – all is not lost!
Depending on the venue and occasion, the choice of outfits and styles are more variable, with colours, length and material being matched to your own imagination.

Out in London for a Show - Phase 8 dress 

As I said at the beginning, what suits you when you are younger may not suit you as you mature and your style should match that. This is very important in evening wear as presenting as mutton dressed up as lamb is not a good look for many occasions.
I had some lovely short floatey dresses that I used to wear out to the clubs in London in the 80’s which still fit me, however I would look rather silly in them nowadays.
I love the phase 8 styles and have several of their dresses that I wear often

My weakness however is for shoes, and I know that I’m not alone in this !!
I have a lovely selction of heels and boots and comfortable shoes to fit just about every occasion .. and fill a wardrobe from floor to celling as well.

A Few of My Irregular Choice Shoes 
My favorite shoes are from the ‘irregular choice’ range, whose designs are wacky yet practical and are not shrinking violets or boring black.

However I also have a problem in that I had a motorcycle accident in my younger years that has left me with a tendency to walk on the outside of my foot, so tend to ruin the heels very quickly by wearing them down on one side which quickly becomes very un-elegant when walking.
I have to have my favorite shoes re-heeled regularly to keep my feet flat and heels in line with my legs otherwise they can quickly start to lean.

Wedges and wider heels tend to reduce this affect, I still have a large section of narrow heels that I love and wear often. Shoe makers like ‘Hush-Puppies’ are great for the wider heels and so are ‘Ruby Shoo’.
When I was at school, Hush-Puppies were the dreaded shoes that your mother bought you to wear. They were practical and hard wearing, not stylish in any way. Now all that has changed. They provide a range that is comfortable and stylish in a range of modern colours, whilst still being practical shoes for every occasion. 

Shopping for Irregular Choice 

So the quest for the right combination of shoes and outfit with the right accessories is an ongoing venture that all must undertake to be classy, stylish and fashionable with out becoming frumpy or bazaar. 

My Dresses Being Worn - With  Nicky Stevens 

Practice and confidence are important, but understanding your own body shape and dressing to your age are necessary too, balanced with individuality and panache. Then you can truly develop your own style.  
(.........And we haven’t even touched on hair and makeup!) 

Humble Beginnings

As many of you know, we all have to start somewhere and this is my first jump into writing a blog, so bare with me and my misguided steps in...